21 May 2020

As you may be aware through the media, all students will return to school five days a week from next Monday, 25 May 2020. The last two weeks at Metella Road Public School have been highly successful for both our students and teachers who have enjoyed learning with their classes! We would like to thank you for your support over the last couple of months as we return to school full time. Our school operations will be in line with Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) and NSW Health guidelines as applicable.
School attendance
All students should be at school unless:
- They have a medical certificate which states that they are unable to return to school due to an ongoing medical condition.
- They are currently unwell.
- If your child is unwell, do not send them to school.
- If they are unwell at school, you or your nominated emergency contact will need to collect them immediately.
Physical distancing
School students do not need to follow physical distancing guidelines.
Student drop off and pick up
In line with guidelines to minimise the risk of transmission of COVID-19, parents and carers must not take their child to, or pick their child up from classrooms or COLA areas.
Drop off (morning)
- Drop off from 8:30am.
- Parents and carers must drop their child at one of the four school gates. Three gates are located on Metella Road, and a pedestrian gate is located at the Cornelia Road entrance.
- Staff will be located at the gates and will direct students to their classrooms.
- Social distancing guidelines for adults must be observed.
Pick up (afternoon)
- The school day ends at 3:00pm (the staggered finishing time from 2:15pm is no longer in place).
- All students will be dismissed from their classrooms.
- Parent and carers must only pick up their child from either the back field (Cornelia Road entrance) or the grass areas located at the front of the school (Metella Road entrances). Refer to map provided.
- Parents and carers must communicate with their child where they will meet them.
- Social distancing guidelines must be observed by adults.
Return of laptop computers
- As students are returning to school, laptop computers are required for teaching and learning. Please return any borrowed laptop computers to the administration office.
School activities
- Full classroom operations will resume.
- The school library will be open for students to borrow and return books during class time.
- Non-contact sport is permitted.
- School assemblies, incursions, excursions and inter-school activities (such as PSSA and debating) are suspended until further notice.
School cleaning and hygiene
- Additional cleaning is being undertaken.
- Targeted areas include high-touch areas and hard surfaces, door handles, light switches, handrails in stairways and movement areas.
- All classrooms have been provided with hand sanitiser and additional provisions of soap and other hygiene products.
- Water bubblers are not available for use. All students require a water bottle.
- The school has good hygiene practices in place including:
- Regular washing of hands.
- No sharing of food or drinks.
- Students are reminded to cough or sneeze into their elbow, tissues are discarded immediately.
Reporting and assessment
- Parents will receive a Semester 1 school report at the end of this term.
- It will be a simplified report that will provide information on your child’s progress whilst learning remotely and at school.
- Further information will be available later in the term, including information regarding parent/teacher interviews.
Stationery items and equipment
- Where possible all students should bring their own pencil case with writing implements and equipment. This could include pencils to write with, coloured pencils and an eraser.
- If this is not possible, students will be provided with equipment items for their individual use. This equipment will be sanitised after use.
- Computers, desks and reading materials will be sanitised.
Responding to COVID-19 cases
- There is a clear plan in place to respond to any suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19.
- The Department of Education is working closely with NSW Health and will communicate with parents if a situation was to arise.
Once again, thank you for your support. If you have any concerns, please contact the school.
Kind regards,
Mr P. D’Ermilio